Detective Conan is officially turning 30! The beloved manga by Gosho Aoyama has entertained generations of fans with the story of Shinichi Kudo, a 17-year-old high school detective who finds himself suddenly transformed into a 7-year-old child. Under the new name of Conan Edogawa, he sets out to solve the mystery of what happened to him, while also solving various criminal cases along the way.
Now, fans can walk through memory lane at the Detective Conan 30th Anniversary Exhibition, making its Malaysian debut at Pavilion Bukit Jalil from now until the 16th of February, 2025. Organised by Mangosteems and co-organised by ACO Media, THE MAGIC RAIN had the exciting opportunity to visit the event’s official launch earlier this week.
Upon entering the exhibition, you’ll be greeted by a variety of official artwork and memorabilia retelling past cases from the series in detail. The show uses a variety of props, interactive displays, and even lighting techniques to really bring each storyline to life. You’ll also be able to redeem various character stamps from each section, with six different designs based on key moments from the series.
Visitors can also delve deep into the characters’ motivations and backgrounds, with sections dedicated to characters like the series’ main antagonist, the Black Organisation, and Conan’s iconic rival, Kaito Kid. There’s even a section fully dedicated to exploring the relationship between Shinichi and his love interest Ran Mouri.
The experience doesn’t end once you’ve completed the exhibition, as you’ll also have access to the merch store, stocked with exclusive 30th anniversary merchandise. Fans can get their hands on T-shirts, notebooks, and even a set of headbands designed after Conan and Ran’s unique hairstyles.
Plus, visitors can also grab a drink or a snack from the venue, which include a slice of lemon pie for RM18, or a variety of teas and sodas for RM20. Namely, you’ll be able to choose from Orange Earl Grey Tea, Lychee Earl Grey Tea, Cucumber Green Apple Soda, and Rose Williams’ Pear Soda.
The Detective Conan 30th Anniversary Exhibition is happening from now until the 16th of February at Pavilion Bukit Jalil, Level 2 (Pink Zone) from 10am to 10pm daily. Tickets for general admission are priced at RM45 for adults and RM30 for Conans (a.k.a. children under 103cm), and can be purchased via Ticketek.
For more information, follow the event’s official Facebook and Instagram.