‘Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku‘ will be receiving a television anime adaptation produced by Studio Bind in 2025. The seinen manga is written by Ayano Takeda (Sound! Euphonium) and artist Musshu’s (Furidashi ni Ochiro).
Originally published in June 2021, the manga’s story is set in Tonakishima, a small island with a population of 600. Hana, a high school girl who lives on the island, loves recitals, and holds regular reading sessions for the island’s children.
Mizuki, the president of the Broadcasting Club, senses Hana’s power to attract people through her reading and invites her to join the club. Hana joins the Broadcasting Club and experiences many firsts with the other members.
The anime will star Minori Fujidera (Himari Aozora in Himitsu no AiPri) as Hana Haruyama and and Miyuri Shimabukuro (Yuki Soma in Fruits Basket) as Mizuki Usurai.