Anisong Night Brings A Night of ACG Music To ISE-K Karaoke

Calling all ACG music fans — Anisong Night is a brand new gathering for ACG musicians and music lovers! Happening this Saturday (May 11th) at ISE-K Karaoke, the event promises a night of performances from Malaysian artists, connecting with fellow fans, and lucky draws!

The stage line up includes up-and-coming performers such as Fish The Smol One, Karyannn奶茶, Ryukku-K, Fishie The Blupblup Mermaid, Ebi 熊熊虾米, Hiyori ひより小蝦, Taro Lee, and Crystal x Cheryl.

How To Buy Tickets

Tickets are RM100 per entry, and can be purchased in this link. However, ticketing closes tonight so make sure to snag your spot before it’s too late!

You can also follow Anisong Night on Facebook so you don’t miss their next event.

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