Psycho-Pass anime writers Makoto Fukami and Ryo Yoshigami, and manga artist Natsuo Sai, has announced that they will be teaming up to launch a new manga titled Police Tribe K-9. The manga is being described as a near-future science fiction and a spiritual successor to Psycho-Pass with its moody, cyberpunk visuals.
Writer Makoto Fukami is best known for producing the scripts for Psycho-Pass, Berserk, Blade of the Immortal, and Heavenly Delusion; while Ryo Yoshigami previously worked on the scripts for Black Rock Shooter: Dawn Fall and Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System anime films with Fukami. He also worked on the script for the Psycho-Pass 3 anime and film.
Manga artist Natsuo Sai is most known for their spinoff manga Naruto: Konoha’s Story—The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The Manga, and the Psycho-Pass: Inspector Shinya Kōgami prequel manga. Sai also worked on the manga adaptations for all three Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System anime films in 2019.