Our Top 5 Picks For Best Dads in Video Games

Over the decades of video game history, we’ve seen plenty of great characters come and go. From brave heroes embarking on forbidden quests, to rebel leaders who fight for what’s right. But sometimes what’s right is as simple as protecting someone you love.

To celebrate Father’s Day, we’ve put together a list of our favourite dads from games over the years. No matter whether they’re human, animal, or god, what counts is they love their children – and we love them for it!

#1. Kratos from God of War 4 (2018)

The ever angry, ever violent Kratos embarks on a different kind of path in God of War 4. Left as a single father after the death of his wife Faye, he journeys with his son, Atreus, to the highest peak in the Nine Realms to scatter her ashes and fulfil her final wish.

Not used to being a father, Kratos is brash and clumsy with his emotions; more comfortable reprimanding his son than getting to know him better. However, his walls crumble as they spend time together, and the two eventually form a strong bond.

#2. Joel from The Last Of Us (2013)

In a post-apocalyptic and zombie-ridden United States, Joel is given the important task of escorting Ellie, a young girl who may be the cure to the infection. While they begin as an odd pair – a middle-aged man and a teenage girl – they grow to understand each other over time.

Despite his aloof attitude, Joel also opens up to Ellie and sees her as a daughter, overcoming his trauma from losing his own daughter years before.

#3. Lee from The Walking Dead by Telltale Games (2012)

Much like our previous duo, Lee encounters Clementine during the zombie apocalypse and takes her under his wing. Even though they first began as strangers, the two quickly bond with Lee treating Clementine as his own daughter.

Even after his death, Lee’s influence and advice continues to guide Clementine throughout her journey. When faced with a tough decision she continues to look towards Lee for guidance, even though now he only exists in her mind.

#4. Barrett from Final Fantasy 7 (1997 / 2020)

Barret is part of a eco-terrorist group named Avalanche, but he’s also a father – and that’s what makes him a great character. He works tirelessly to prevent Shinra Electric Power Company from using mako as a form of energy, all to ensure there’s a brighter future for his daughter, Marlene.

Even though he struggles with his anger and violent attitude, as well as the effects his fighting might have on Marlene, he knows that he has to make a sacrifice now for a better tomorrow.

#5. Geralt from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)

Last but not least, Geralt of Rivia was your standard witcher before he invoked the Law of Surprise as payment for a job. Little did he know the surprise would be Cirilla, the princess of Cintra who is naturally gifted with powerful magic.

While the two have their differences, it cannot be denied that they are bound together by destiny. Hence, Geralt eventually trains Ciri as a witcher and they form a bond of mentor and mentee, and as their trust grows, father and daughter.

What did you think of our picks for best dads? Let us know your favourites in the comments below – and wish your dad a Happy Father’s Day!

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