Before The ‘Game of Thrones’ Finale: Where are we now?

Game of Thrones Season 8 is so close that I can taste it. It feels like we have been waiting forever for this season to finally come to our screens, and in less than a month, we will see the conclusion of this epic series.

Game of Thrones debuted in April of 2011 and it has been a long time since then. Unless you would like to spend the next 3810 minutes binge watching every episode of Game of Thrones, here is a recap of the most important events before Season 8 begins.

Author’s note: I will keep it as short as I can, but it is Game of Thrones after all.

Author’s note #2: GIANT SPOILER WARNING, duh.

The meeting of ice and fire

Source: Game of Thrones HBO

Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen finally met in the previous season and even though the initial meeting did not go well, they ultimately decided to work together to fight the White Walkers.

It is at this time, Jon sees the dragons, Drogon and Rhaegal for the first time. Drogon and Rhaegal are known to be hostile to almost everyone except Jon Snow, further proof that Jon has Targaryen blood in him. (More on this later.)

In order to beat the White Walkers, Jon needed a material called “Dragonglass” and it so happens, below the Targaryen castle is a cave full of Dragonglass.


Dragonglass is the only known material to kill a Wight permanently. Samwell Tarly found a book containing this very knowledge in the Citadel Library and quickly send a Raven to Jon urging him to quickly mine the material in Dragonstone, the very home land of Daenerys Targaryen.

She initially does not let Jon mine the caves but once she saw the White Walkers and the demise of her own dragon, Viseron, she allowed Jon to mine the cave for Dragonglass.

Viseron the Ice Dragon

Author’s Note #3: I saw this coming (#humblebrag). When they were predicting an Ice Dragon out of the 3 dragons, I predicted Viseron because it was named after her a-hole of a brother. You know, just saying.

Source: Game of Thrones HBO

In order to prove to Cersei that the White Walker treat was real and imminent, Jon decides to capture a White Walker. However, in the process of doing so, things take a turn for the worst and Jon falls to the Night King’s trap.

Daenerys saved Jon from the Night King but lost Viseron in the battle, causing the dragon to be reanimated as an Ice Dragon with flames as blue as ice. With Viseron now under the control of the Night King, it brought down the wall that had been keeping the White Walkers from marching into the North.

The lone wolf dies but the pack survives

It has been a long time since the pack was last together. Seven seasons long, in fact. Ever since the start of the game of thrones, the pack has been separated but finally we will see them together in Winterfell. Arya, Sansa and Bran have already arrived in Winterfell and exposed Littlefinger as the person who instigated the entire game of thrones.

Source: Game Of Thrones HBO

With much satisfaction, Littlefinger is executed with the very same dagger that attempted to take Bran’s life in Season one.

Jon Targaryen

Bran, the three-eyed raven, learns the true heritage of Jon Snow. Turns out that Jon is not a Snow but rather a Targaryen. The war that starts everything is based on a lie. Rhaegar Targaryen did not kidnap Lyanna Stark, but rather, she followed him on his own accord and they had a child.

Knowing that the child would be executed the moment the world finds out he is half Targaryen, Ned Stark goes back to Winterfell and lies to the world claiming that Jon is his bastard son in order to keep Jon safe.

Now that we are all up to speed, I can’t wait for the final season of Game of Thrones. With only 6 episodes left and the final four episodes being movie-lengthed, you better clear your Sunday nights to make way for this epic finale.

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