Cosplay Commuter Is Entering The Station!

This past week has been a real busy one for all of us at The Magic Rain (TMR). Why, you ask? Mainly because we have decided to organize a first of its kind event named Cosplay Commuter. Before we explain what is Cosplay Commuter, one thing everyone needs to know about this idea is that, it wasn’t borne through the efforts of a single individual, rather it was cultivated by the entire TMR family in one way or another.

Disclaimer: The article is the opinion of the entire collective of TMR and its family, and actively reflects the collaborative thoughts and opinions of The Magic Rain and its members.

In the beginning…

This past week has been a real busy one for all of us at The Magic Rain (TMR). Why, you ask? Mainly because we have decided to organize a first of its kind event named Cosplay Commuter. Before we explain what is Cosplay Commuter, one thing everyone needs to know about this idea is that, it wasn’t borne through the efforts of a single individual, rather it was cultivated by the entire TMR family in one way or another.

We knew we didn’t want to do another run of the mill ACG event, as chronicled in our Editor in Chief’s article. Being the new face of ACG in Malaysia is no easy feat and we sincerely believe that we have to be the change we want to see in our community. Thus, we have decided to walk the talk and put our money where our mouth is.

While we threw about a thousand ideas and innovative instances, we felt that we liked this idea the best for various reasons and below you will see the reasons for it.


What is Cosplay Commuter?

As the name suggests, Cosplay Commuter is an event that combines the hobby of cosplaying with the usage of public transportation. It is a one-day event that will take place along the Light Rail Transit (LRT) line with a number of activity-filled stops. We are proud to announce that this is the first ever large-scale cosplay gathering on a train, not only in Malaysia but in the world!


Who can join Cosplay Commuter?

We wanted this event to be as inclusive as ever, so we decided to make it so that everyone and anyone could participate! All you have to do is dress up in costume or accessories, bring along your train pass, and show up at the starting point at Evolve Concept Mall on the 8th of July. From there, you get to decide where you want to go and determine your very own fun adventure on the LRT line.


How do I join Cosplay Commuter?

  1. Everyone who wishes to participate will gather at EVOLVE Concept mall at 1PM on the Ground floor. Don’t be late and make sure you have had your lunch together with lots of water to prevent dehydration!
  2. You will be sorted into groups of 10-20 with one of our staff/volunteers as your leader. Don’t be afraid to be separated from your friends as it’s a chance to make new friends!
  3. Discuss with your group mates on an LRT station you would all like to go to. Keep conversations civil and be courteous when voicing out your concerns.
  4. Once settled, depart on your grand railroad adventure! You must buy a train ticket but other than that, the event is totally free of charge. We advise you to use a train pass so that it is an easy process for you.
  5. All this will culminate in a trip to a final endpoint. Where is the ending you ask? Come on the day and find out!


Why should you join Cosplay Commuter?

For starters, you get to be a part of the solution to the current issues the ACG community in Malaysia is facing. We believe that is the most important aspect that we as a community need to embrace if the ACG landscape in Malaysia is to change.  Be associated with a group of youths that want to create positive impact for the betterment of their community.

It is also the first ever event in the world to combine the elements of cosplay and public transportation in a fun and exciting manner. Be part of history when you come for the event itself!


What are the highlights of Cosplay Commuter?

Here are some of the cool things we have planned for 8th July 2017. Mark your calendar now and block the date!

Station activities

Cosplay Commuter is not just about riding a train in costume, we’ve also got a whole slew of activities planned for you! A select number of stations have been handpicked to host the variety of games and activities we have in store. While we cannot release the fine details just yet, we can guarantee that it’ll be fun, it’ll give a reason for you to make new friends, and it’ll definitely be a unique experience!

Guest conductors

Every participant of the event will be grouped at the starting point with a volunteer from the Cosplay Commuter team. But for those who keep up to date without social media pages, you may be able to get a chance of a lifetime – to be guided by one of our cosplay guest conductors who are well known figures in the cosplay scene! We will reveal the guest conductors as we inch closer towards the date of the event, so stay tuned to see if your favorite cosplayer is going to be one of our guest conductors! Don’t miss this opportunity to spend the day interacting with your favourite cosplayers!

Mystery ending point!

Who knows where the ending is? (Well, we know, but you don’t!) The ending location will not be announced until the last few hours of the event, when our dedicated volunteers and guest conductors will guide you to the final location where we have more than a few surprises in store…

Maid café

Yes, we also have a maid café! Stay tuned as we reveal more details regarding this unique experience. We also have popular names in our maid café list!


What issues does Cosplay Commuter address?

Stepping away from conventional method

Cosplay Commuter is a brand new event type that aims to be a pioneer in creating more unorthodox event types for the ACG community. Instead of organizing another event in a hall, we want give the community an experience that they’ve never had before.

Boosting social interaction

We aim to encourage participants to actively make new friends and forge lasting friendships. Meeting new people is a great way to expand your network and also share opinions about your favourite animation series and mangas.

A call for unity

We hope to create a bond of unity and aura of positivity between cosplayers and non-cosplayers, regardless of their social standing. Ultimately, we want to showcase the harmony of living in Malaysia despite all our differences.

It is all about fun

This event can only be organized yearly if everyone that participated in the event, be it from the organizing team or from the general public, had a ton of fun. We as the organizing team will do our best to make sure the fun is maximized via the activities we have planned.


Conclusion: Come to Cosplay Commuter and bring all your friends!

The passion driving our team has always been to break out of event stereotypes, and with Cosplay Commuter, we plan to be the forerunners of unconventional and fun events for youths both in the community and out of it. By doing this, we hope to instill the value of unity building, give our community a healthy and wholesome outlet to share their talent, and promote an overall air of positivity among Malaysians, regardless of age, class and creed.

We hope to see you and your friends at Cosplay Commuter 2017!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Must I buy a train fare/token to ride the train?

Yes, you must. Follow all rules and regulation on the LRT as well. You are advised to use the MyRapid TnG card or the regular Touch ‘N Go card to avoid queueing up and missing the train.

2. Must I get off the train to enjoy the activities?

Yes, but you don’t have to exit the train station as the activities will be done within the station area itself.

3. Is there any entry fee for this event?

No, there isn’t. It is free, except for the train fare/token of course.

4. Why is TMR is so awesome?

Tough question. The best answer we can divulge at this point is the fact that the force is strong within us all here at TMR.

5. Where can I find out more about TMR and Cosplay Commuter?

You can find out more information and ask us questions about the event on The Magic Rain’s Facebook page or the Cosplay Commuter Event Page.

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