Hiro Fujiwara, the manga author for Maid Sama! or Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, will be launching a new series titled Neko ni Wagamama (As a Cat Wills). The launch of the new series will be accompanied by a special chapter for her Maid Sama! manga.
The news was announced in the January 2025 issue of LaLa DX magazine, which publishes new issues every two months. Both the first chapter of her new series and the Maid Sama! special chapter will be printed in the issue coming out on February 5th, 2025.
Maid Sama! was first serialised in LaLa magazine in December 2005, and adapted into a 26-episode anime series by J.C.Staff in April 2010. The new Maid Sama! special chapter is described as a “sweet story” happening before Misaki and Takumi began dating.
Meanwhile, the magazine described Neko ni Wagamama as centering on a busybody high school girl who saves a cat — who turns out to be her unfriendly classmate.