The #MerMay Hashtag Has Us Swimming In Gorgeous Mythical Art

Featured image taken from Tom Bancroft’s Instagram

In 2016, Disney Animation veteran, creator of “Mushu”, author and character designer, Tom Bancroft created #MerMay, a month-long celebration of creativity, community, and most importantly, mermaids!

The challenge has been going strong for two – soon to be three! – years now. Each year, Bancroft has introduced something new to delight his followers, from a mermaid-themed adult colouring book to an original story about a mermaid named Lani who dreams of flying.

This year, the best submissions to the hashtag stand a chance to be featured on the official MerMay website and/or Bancroft’s personal Instagram. Some draw original mermaid designs, but there are also many awesome fan interpretations of fictional characters as mermaids or mermen! Here are some of our favourites:

TBT: Catwoman and her catfish! 🙂 #mermay #catwoman #mermaid

A post shared by Ashley Taylor (@ashley24taylor) on

Interested in joining in #mermay? All you have to do is post your mermaid-related art online with the hashtag #mermay to get started! If you’re looking for some inspiration, there’s also a list of prompts from the official website to help kickstart your creativity!

Share your #mermay creations with us on our Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter. We’d love to see them!

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