‘Pink Mercy’ Receives The Fanart Treatment From Supporters Across The Globe!

It’s only been a few days since Overwatch launched their Breast Cancer charity event, but fans around the world have already flooded social media timelines with fan art of the new Mercy skin. Alongside it, some share their stories of friends and family members who’ve had breast cancer, others just want to show support for the cause, but most people are fixated on “magical girl Mercy”, because… why not?

We’ve seen some amazing renditions of the Pink Mercy skin so far. Here are our favourites!

However, I think my favourite of them all has to be this one:

Overwatch will be donating all the money raised during these two weeks from sales of the Pink Mercy skin, limited-edition t-shirt, and donations made during charity livestreams to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation!

Find out how you can show your support by visiting their official website: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21758132

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