Doujin booths and Animation, Comics Games (ACG) events are inseparable, and it is just as much of an attraction as many of the highlights of an event. I may be no artist, and I couldn’t draw well if my life depended on it, but here are some of the booths that caught my eye for not only being high quality art, but also being unique!
This booth is an absolute delight, filled with so much cutesy stuff, I can’t get enough of it. They have these keychains which are like Eevee gachas, with Eeveelutions inside the gacha. I love that concept! That’s not even the best part, the Eeveelutions within the gacha can move around in the keychain!
PenguinBigBro even has their own original characters and there were postcard-sized arts depicting their cute adventures.

I Adopted A Cat (果酱日常)
Who doesn’t love cats? They are cute, smart and cuddly. This booth featured merchandise based on the cats they adopted and it’s just adorable. I just can’t help but want to support people who show off the joy of adopting a furry companion.

Kei Li ( 绮丽 )

I simply love this traditional pencil and paper art style of Kei Li. Not only that, I love the motive of this high school girl and cat, alongside the relaxing, beautiful Japanese-styled background such as Mount Fuji. There’s something captivating within Kei Li’s art. It could be the pencil medium, it could be the motive, it could even be the way it’s shaded. Maybe it’s all of the above.

Le Delicatessen

This is a booth with an interesting theme, where all of the merchandise has food as its main motive. Think ice-cream, sushi, mushrooms and just about any food you can think of. This is one of those artists that foodies will love as much as they love food.

Yee Handmade House

Going along the foodie theme, this is another booth with a lot of food-related merchandise as well, on top of all the other handmade items of popular characters such as Pikachu. However, the food related items are definitely what caught my attention.

Baroque Gothik
Moving along to something more artistic and abstract, we have Baroque Gothik amping up the goth to 10 with their goth-themed art. There’s a large variety as well, ranging from zodiacs, animals, and even pop culture such as Venom, all in goth style. This booth’s art really stands out against all the other booths and it’s always awesome to see how a change in art style can change the mood of a character entirely.


BlueBean probably has some of my favourite selection of art, where a reoccurring motive are classic cartoons in a wholesome setting, such as Spongebob and Friends cycling, and Winnie the Pooh by the fire place. The colour scheme of their art are just relaxing to look at, like pictures you would see in a children’s book.

And that’s it for our favourite doujin booths in AniManGaki 2019! Were there any booths that caught your eye that we may have missed out? Do let us know in the comments section below!