Welcoming the Newest Futuristic Idol: Mirai Komachi!

Sourced from BANDAI NAMCO Studios website

A new Vocaloid for the VOCALOID4 engine made her touchdown on the 24th of May!

Mirai Komachi is an original Japanese Vocaloid 4 library which has been designed and developed by BANDAI NAMCO Studios Inc to introduce their game development technology for the future. She is being distributed by YAMAHA Corporation and her voice provider is currently not known but let’s delve into what our Vocaloid newcomer has to offer!

Sourced from Vocaloid News

Mirai’s design features a gradient orange hair colour and green eyes. She sports an orange and white colour scheme. As it seems, she wears an idol-like outfit, fitting for a virtual idol like herself. Unlike some Vocaloids, she does not have a tattoo of her code on her arm. Personally, I find her design to resemble that of Kizuna Ai’s costume but with slight alterations.

Her voice has been widely described as “generic”, although I think she has potential as a Vocaloid, especially for upbeat songs. In fact, check out one of her originals!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1WdA8wocaw]

If that wasn’t enough to impress you, here’s a little push with her cover of Shake It (by emon), superbly executed by cillia, also known as kyaami and harumia.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/448400070″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]
Sourced from YAMAHA’s website

You can already purchase her voice library exclusively on the VOCALOID official website. Mirai Komachi is only available as a digital download and is selling at 8,000 JPY. Not to mention, purchases of Mirai Komachi’s voice library come with an adorable sprite of Mirai’s official design! Isn’t it adorable?


Sources: Vocaloid News, BANDAI NAMCO Studios, YAMAHA, VOCALOID website

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